The Disneyland Adventure

Turn up the Fun, the Shubins are in Disneyland!
The Shubins are on vacation but not from excitement. They travel to sunny California to the one place big enough for their imaginations... Disneyland!

Published: 2007
Artwork: Kathy Hayes
Characters: Nichol, Skyler, Olivia, Georgie, Trinity, Anika, Kyra, Faith
Character Order on Cover: (top to bottom) Georgie (Jack Sparrow), Trinity (Sleeping Beauty), Skyler (Peter Pan), Anika (Snow White), Olivia (Alice), Nichol (Belle), Kyra (Cinderella), Faith (Tinker Bell)
Story Location: Real; Disneyland.


Much of the detail of the rides were recalled with the assistance of YouTube videos.


The Disneyland Adventure on Amazon


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